Memento, written and directed by Christopher Nolan, is a movie about a man named Leonard who has short term memory loss. He is unable to make new memories so he writes down everything he needs to know. He also has tattoos all over his upper body and he takes pictures of events, places and people that he needs to remember. The audience watches this movie through the eyes of Leonard, who is just as confused as the audience is during the movie. Throughout the movie, Leonard is in a frenzy trying to find the man who raped and murdered his wife. The audience has no clue who the man is, when it happened and why it happened. All the audience knows is that Leonard is after this man named “John G” who allegedly raped and murdered his wife at some point in time. This movie is especially interesting because it is backwards. The scene that you are supposed to see at the end to tie in all of the information was the very first scene. This immediately confused me. It was a struggle to keep up with this movie because the only information you know is the information that Leonard knows but he does not remember a lot of information because of his disability. Although this movie is backwards and rather confusing, I would still say that it is a linear movie. The scenes were not out of order; they were just backwards, therefore making this movie linear. After watching the entire movie, I was still a little confused because you had to go back and think of what you saw and then tie it all together in the end scene (which would be the first scene if it was not backwards).
I personally really liked this movie because a like a little bit of challenge while watching movies. I liked not knowing what was going to happen next. Memento was definitely not predictable to say the least. The audience had no clue what was going to happen. It was almost fun to play detective along with Leonard because you are actively involved in the movie.
After the watching the 20 minute interview with Christopher Nolan, I was a little disappointed. I thought that the interview was going to reveal some information that I didn’t understand in the movie. Christopher Nolan literally just talked about the movie and how his brother thought of the idea three years prior to the actual movie idea. Personally, I was a little bored during the interview. It was monotone and not really interesting in my opinion. The questions that the audience members asked were not even interesting! I really just wanted to hear Christopher Nolan’s take on the movie and what the true story is. Memento is one of those movies where the audience has to figure out the story plot for themselves. I talked about the movie with some of my classmates, and we all had different opinions of the movie.
All in all, I really enjoyed the movie. I liked trying to figure out what was going on, but I wish that I could have found out in the interview what the story plot actually was from the actual writer of the movie. It would have been really helpful, but I am almost okay with it. I like that I can keep my imaginative thoughts about this movie and now have them altered by the writer.
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